
Sunday, February 07, 2010

What's changed in 5years ? 

Still heaps of blunt instruments.
Who would have thought the disease would spread across the political divide ?
Liberal leader Tony Abbott talks about sequestration as a major policy platform top counter Rudds new carbon Tax ( expected to force energy prices up by at least 15%)The ETS --the Everhopeful  Taxation  Solution?
Like Obama,  he is relying on the young technophobes who don't really work in the environmental risk planning business. Like fighting a war without experienced generals - it won't only be boys that lose their lives over it !
Strangely both sides can use the words "sequestration" without really knowing what it means _ Whitehead would be turning in his grave at such a plain but totally avoidable  way of degrading sound science practice in 2010.

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